If you are searching for How to Get Butterflies in Merge Mansion 2023? Here’s your search is over. Here in this post we covered the complete details about how to get Butterflies in Merge Mansion.
In Merge Mansion, players can combine items to upgrade the mansion, create a garden, and discover new features. However, to advance in the game, players may need specific items. Obtaining the Butterflies in Merge Mansion can be challenging if players are unsure of what they need.
How to get Butterfly in Merge Mansion
In order to acquire Butterflies in the game, players must first obtain a Level 6 Orange Flower, as these flowers are the source from which Butterflies are obtained. To obtain a Level 6 Orange Flower, players must first acquire Orange Flower Seeds from a Large Seed Bag. These Large Seed Bags can be obtained from the Shop, Flower Pot, or Green Box.
Once players have the Orange Flower Seeds, they will have to merge them to create Orange Flower Seedling. Further, the Seedlings can be merged to get the Orange Flower Bud (I). These will need to be merged to obtain the Orange Flower Bud (II). Players will now need to merge these to get Orange Flower Bud (III). Lastly, players can merge the Orange Flower Bud (III) to get the Orange Flower.
The Orange Flower will now drop Butterflies with six levels. Butterflies can be yellow, orange, blue, red, white and black. There are often events in the game where players might require Butterflies to complete certain tasks. During the 2022 Butterfly Event, Level 6 Butterflies could be given to Pool Toys in the Casey & Skatie event.
Butterfly Recipe = Butterflies are dropped from a Level 6 Orange Flower.
Merge Mansion Butterfly
You will receive a Merge Mansion Butterfly directly as a drop from the Orange Flower (Level Six). Each such flower can actually drop 2 Butterflies (I) with a recharge time of thirty minutes.
However, these recharges can’t be stacked up, but you also have the option to actually speed up this process by spending gems, the game’s premium money. Subsequently, these in-game Butterflies can be merged to level them up as per the mission required.
The Merge stages include –

- Level One – Butterfly (I)
- Level Two – Butterfly (II)
- Level Three – Butterfly (III)
- Level Four – Butterfly (IV)
- Level Five – Butterfly (V)
- Level Six – Butterfly (VI)
Players can basically utilize Butterfly (III), (V), and (VI) to fuel the Inflatable Dolphin alongside the Moths of other in-game levels, which actually provides Casey & Skatie items as a drop in the game.
Moths in Merge Mansion
To get Moths in the Merge Mansion, the first step is to obtain an Lvl4 Post Light. That is the 6th merging level of the Bulb Box in-game item.
The sequence follows
- Bulb Box
- Light Bulb
- Post Light (I)
- Post Light (II)
- Post Light (III)
- Post Light (IV)
Butterfly Uses – Casey & Skatie items
Butterflies, along with Level 6 Moth are used to feed the Pool Toys to create Casey & Skatie items (most of them drop XP):
- 1 level Casey & Skatie item – Flip Flops:
- 2 level Casey & Skatie item – Roller Skates:
- 3 level Casey & Skatie item – Sunglasses:
- 4 level Casey & Skatie item – Sandals:
- 5 level Casey & Skatie item – Surfboard: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 6 level Casey & Skatie item – BeachTowel: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 7 level Casey & Skatie item – Swans: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 8 level Casey & Skatie item – Pinwheel: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 9 level Casey & Skatie item – White Surrender Flag: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 10 level Casey & Skatie item – Skateboard: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 11 level Casey & Skatie item – An Idol: Drops 1 Xp Star
- 12 level Casey & Skatie item – Sign: Drops 1 Xp Star
Wrapping Up
I hope you know How to Get Butterflies in Merge Mansion 2023 and enjoy it. Share this post with your friends if you find this post helpful.
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In this article we have shared information about How to Get Butterflies in Merge Mansion. Please make sure you follow the process we have mentioned for you in this article. Thanks!